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DPME templates integrate two forms of portfolio organization, standards-indexed™ and standards-referenced™. These concepts are unique to DPME.

Standards-indexed™ portfolios typically align artifacts to standards in a linear manner. In this format, a single artifact typically aligns with only one standard. This system makes it easy for evaluators to assess the depth of fulfillment for each standard, but the emphasis is on the standards rather than an educator’s artifacts. Typically, this format requires 2 or 3unique artifacts for each standard. A 10-standard system could require 20-30 individual artifacts.

Standards-referenced™ portfolios place artifacts as the center of the organizational system. This format recognizes that each artifact will probably address multiple standards. The artifacts are linked to each standard that are addressed. This means that a 10-standard system could be satisfied by 7 artifacts. It is all a matter of how many artifacts are needed to portray the desired professional image.

Reflections: Connecting the artifacts to the appropriate standards is useful for organization, but your portfolio cannot tell a story unless you provide a narrative. This narrative is provided in the reflections you provide for each artifact. DPME provides prompts where teachers describe, analyze, and plan based upon artifacts and their related experiences (Bullock & Hawk, 2001).

The reflection prompts include:

  • What? - Describe the Artifact.
  • So What? - How well did it/will it work with students or it's intended application?
  • Now What? - Having experienced the teaching or writing experience, how will this affect you in the near and distant future?

Google Sites Format

The DPME templates are designed using Google Sites.

Each of the templates available on the Downloads page has been shared in the Google cloud for you to use. You will just need to click on our desired template and download it to your account to use.


The DPME template has 5 elements:

  • Opening Page - This page is the most important page of all. Your reader and/or potential employer will draw an opinion about you in the first 90 seconds based upon your Opening Page. You need to provide a professional photo that conveys your dedication to teaching. You will also want to create a narrative that introduces you to your reader and provides your educational philosophy.
  • Artifact Matrix - This is the heart of your digital portfolio.The artifacts are listed down the left side and the standards are listed across the top. Marks (XX) are placed in the appropriate cells to indicate which standards are addressed by the various standards. The artifact and standards names should like to appropriate pages.
  • Standards Table - This page identifies all of the standards and their definitions in a table. This page requires no development by the user. It should be self contained with the content.
  • Individual Standards Pages - Each standard page contains the definition at the top of the page and then a table where you identify each of the artifacts that fit that particular standard. Include an artifact description as well.
  • Artifacts Pages - Each artifact MUST have its own page. This page will include the 3-part reflection identified above. It will also include a descriptive image towards the top. Your reader will want to review our actual artifact, so you must have a connection to your actual artifact from this page. This can be achieved by linking to another website or attaching a file to your artifact page.

CC image
Digital Portfolios Made Easy by Dr. Leigh Zeitz is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Last Updated: June 21, 2012