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DPME Template: Artifact Matrix

The Artifact Matrix provides a standards-indexed™ and standards-referenced™ view of how artifacts apply to standards and their criteria/components. This matrix is a quick-view of standards and artifacts alignment as well as the navigational hub of DPME templates. Under the column labeled Link are previously created links to Artifact Pages. Under the columns labeled Standards are previously created links to individual Standards Pages.Matrix

Creating an Artifact Matrix:

  • Put the names of your selected artifacts in the column Artifact Name

  • Identify the pertinent standards and components/elements that align with each artifact

  • In each artifact row, mark an "x" in each each standard column that is relevant.
    • Some sets of standards may have sub-critera that are identified by letters. You can enter the relevant letters to identify which are addressed. (e.g., Artifact 3 may address criteria a, b, and e in standard 4. Place these letters in the appropriate cell.)



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Digital Portfolios Made Easy by Dr. Leigh Zeitz is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Last Updated: June 21, 2012